Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Another Lesson Learnt


Over the last 8 weeks I have had an amazing journey and learnt some really important life lessons. I thought today I would share some of these with you so you can understand the passion and drive that goes into a small Australian Boutique business like Arthouse Industries.

So…it all started 8 weeks ago when I resigned from my high paying, secure job that paid the bills and had a big title you could hide behind. I had always been able to  have Arthouse Industries as a hobby or something that satisfied my creative needs but the business had never had any pressure on it to do things like pay bills!

At that point I made a decision to make Arthouse Industries an amazing Australian business with an amazing story behind it but I won’t bore you all with that today. What I will do is share with you something that makes this journey so much easier for me and I have been reminded of in the last couple of days.

Running a small business by yourself can be very lonely, especially when you have been surrounded by a team of over 100 a day for the past decade and I have come to understand and embrace networking and customer interaction like never before.

This morning I had breakfast with a networking group in my local area that is filled with amazing, inspiring women of all ages and backgrounds and each of those interactions adds to my toolbox of knowledge so that I am able to face difficulties with new ideas, be inspired by creative people and sometimes people are able to put you at ease when you don’t know and answer and it is making you anxious.

On Monday I sat on the ground of a friend’s studio and worked out fantastic ideas to help drive the business using her past business experience.

On Tuesday a customer who lives over 400km away called me to say thank you for taking the time to speak with her when we met and let me know she loved what I was doing and thought I was a beautiful person.

Being creative in my business is only a small part of its success. Embracing the people in your life who can contribute positively towards it is a huge part of staying in the game and I am so grateful that when the glass seems half empty I am surrounded by inspiring people who remind me the glass is actually half full!

Thank you to all those people….you know who you are.


Skye X

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